Catholic Prayer For The Right Partner In Life :
For our own marriage
Thank you God for our marriage. Help us
to know and love one another more each
day, just as you know and love us both.
Thank you for all the deep joy we have
shared, in both ordinary and
extraordinary times. Thank you for those moments when we
have been especially close to you in our love.
Help us to be kind, thoughtful and attentive to one another even
when we are tired, upset or self absorbed. Strengthen in us a
spirit of hospitality, that we may offer welcome and
encouragement to others in the way of love. When we face
adversity help us to remain at peace, growing in awareness of
your presence with us still. We ask this in Jesus name. Amen.
Prayer for planning a wedding:
We pray, Lord Jesus, for all
those planning to marry and
for those helping them with
practical details and with
marriage preparation.
May their joys and hopes be
realised. Be with them as
they plan and give them
patience and understanding
when things are difficult. In
their growing love for each
other, may they come to
know you as the source of all
love. Amen
Thanksgiving for marriage.
Almighty God, our heavenly Father, we lift up our hearts to you
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Through him you have made a
covenant of grace with your people by the outpouring of your Holy
Spirit. We praise you for the gift of marriage in which the love of
husband and wife is brought together and reflects your plan of love
for the world.
We remember today all those who have been married in this Parish,
especially ……………….. ; for leading them to each other in
friendship and love, commitment and trust.
As you pour out your love, may they grow together in your sight,
and each be to the other a companion in joy, a comfort in sorrow
and a strength in need. May their lives be a witness to your saving
love in this troubled world.
As the presence of your Son blessed the earthly home at
Nazareth and lived as part of a human family, Bless our homes,
bind us as a family, unite us in our Lord , renew us by your Holy
Spirit, remind us of your promise and living word, and be among us
in our home and throughout all our activities.
And bring us all at the last to that great marriage banquet of your
Son in our home in heaven, where, with all your saints and angels,
in the glory of your presence, we will for ever praise you; through
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
For those without a marriage partner.
Lord Jesus, we ask your blessing
upon those whose longing for
marriage is unfulfilled. Grant
them your peace and channel
their gift of love into enriching
their lives and the lives of those
around them. We pray for those
who have lost their partner.
Comfort them and uphold them in
their loneliness. Be close to
those who have recently been
bereaved. Help them through
each day until the pain
diminishes and the sun shines
once more.