Short Catholic Prayers Against Suicidal Thoughts :
From whose love nothing can separate us, we pray this day for all persons dealing with
mental illness and those who love and care for them.
Especially this day, we pray for all whose lives have been touched by suicide,
for those who have died by suicide and those who have attempted it.
We pray for those who, because of mental health challenges such as depression, PTSD, or
bipolar disorder, live with thoughts of suicide.
We pray for those who live in despair and without hope because of poverty
or discrimination.
We pray for families and friends, colleagues and co-workers, who have been touched by the
suicide of a loved one,
We pray for counselors and therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists,
for pastors, rabbis, priests, and imams.
and for all who seek to help.
And we pray, too, that you might give us the courage and wisdom to be there for others
in distress,
to offer your love and our care,
to help break the silence and change the conversation about suicide,
to be your listening ear, your hands, and your heart for others.
Powerful Catholic Prayers Against Suicidal Thoughts :
Dear Gracious and Merciful God,
We come to you to give thanks for this day, which provides us with another opportunity to
bask in the glow of your love. We thank you because you are so gracious and kind; we thank
you for your abundant love, your loving kindness.
God, we ask right now that you heal the hearts of those who are emotionally wounded,
that you allow those who feel alone and abandoned to feel your Spirit. For those of us who
feel so lost and forlorn that we can no longer sense your presence, we ask that you send
someone to be your eyes, your ears, your arms and your heart so that they can experience
your love in the physical realm right now.
When we are at the point where our faith tank feels like it’s on “E”, send someone who is
willing to loan us a little faith until we can experience your love for ourselves again. We
ask that you send us an angel, be it in the form of a friend, a counselor or a pill so that our
spirits can be lifted once again.
We ask that you help all of us have compassion and love for those of us suffering through
the throes of depression, anxiety and other emotions that sometimes try to snuff out
our spirit.
Help us to be ever mindful that we are more than conquerors in the God who loves us, that
weeping may endure for the night but joy really does come in the morning, and that nothing
can separate us from your love. Hear our cries, hear our petitions, hear our prayers today.
We offer up this prayer in the name of the One who promises to love us with an everlasting
love, Amen.