
Catholic Prayer Against Premature Death

Powerful Catholic Prayer Against Premature Death

Powerful Catholic Prayer Against Premature Death :


(Psalm 118:17; I shall not die but live to declare the works of the Lord.)

If you know that you have never met the Jesus Christ, as your personal Lord and savior, Please pray this prayer with faith all your heath and you will be born again.

Catholic Prayer Against Premature Death
Catholic Prayer Against Premature Death

Dear Lord Jesus, I come to you today. I come with my sins because I am sinner. I cannot help myself forgive me my sins, cleanse me with you blood of Jesus Christ. Deliver me from sins, Satan and its forces to save you the living God. From today I accept you as my personal Lord and my savior. Thank you Jesus for saving my life.

One of the most frightening phenomena today is the rate at which people die untimely. The problem of untimely death has reached an epidemic dimension. The spirits responsible for untimely death belongs to a department that can be described as the hit-squad in the kingdom of darkness. Untimely death is one of the most destructive weapons of the enemy. It has led to the cutting away of precious lives in many families, communities and nations. You must wage war against it. If the problem is too common in your linage, these prayer points are for you. You must fight this battle with the totality of your strength. You must refuse to be a candidate of untimely death. Apply fire and fervency to these prayer points and your name will be removed from the list of victims of untimely death.


Every power, transforming into masquerades in the night in order to attack me in the dreams, be exposed and die, in the name of Jesus.

1. Every power, transforming into animals in the night in other to attack me in the dreams, fall down and die, in Jesus name.

2. Every coffin, prepared by the agent of death for my life, catch fire and roast to ashes, in the name of Jesus.

3. Every pit, dug for my life by agents of death, swallow the agents, in the name of Jesus.

4. Every power, oppressing my life through dreams of death, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.

5. Every witchcraft power, tormenting my life with the spirit of death, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.

6. Every witchcraft power, assigned to my family for untimely death, scatter and die, in the name of Jesus.

7. Every satanic agent, monitoring my life for evil, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.

8. Ever unconscious gift of death that I have received, received the fire of God, in the name of Jesus.

9. Every stubborn pursuer of my life, turn back and perish in your own Red Sea, in the name of Jesus.

10. Every arrow of terminal sickness, come out of my life and die, in the name of Jesus.

11. Every power, enforcing terminal sickness in my life, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.

12. Every decree of untimely death hovering over my life, catch fire and die, in the name of Jesus.

13. Every evil link between me and the spirit of untimely death, be cut of by the blood of Jesus.

14. I reject and renounce every association with the spirit of death, in the name of Jesus.

15. Every inherited satanic glasses on my eyes, break by the blood of Jesus.

16. Every ancestral agreement with the spirit of untimely death, break by the blood of Jesus.

17. Every agreement and covenant of hell fire in my family line, be destroyed by the blood of Jesus.

18. Every agreement with the spirit of death in my family line, break by the blood of Jesus.

19. I shall not die but live. The number of my days shall be fulfilled, in the name of Jesus.

20. I cancel every activity of untimely death within, around and over my life, in the name of Jesus.

21. I speak life unto the organs in my body and command them not to malfunction, in the name of Jesus.

22. Every agent of the spirit of death,, monitoring my life day and night, receive blindness and die, in the name of Jesus.

23. Every spirit, working to initiate me into evil covenants of untimely death, be frustrated, in the name of Jesus.

24. Every plantation of untimely death in my life, be uprooted by fire, in the name of Jesus.

25. My head, reject every manipulation of bewitchment of untimely death, in the name of Jesus.

26. Every bewitchment of witchcraft on my destiny and potentials, die, in the name of Jesus.

27. Every arrow of untimely death, fired at me in the dream, come out and go back to your senders, in Jesus name.

28. Every satanic attack of untimely death, in the dream, die, in the name of Jesus.

29. Every satanic bird, crying out for the untimely death of my life, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.

30. Every door, opened in my life for the attacks of untimely death, be closed by the blood of Jesus.

31. Oh Lord, let my life become too hot for any agent of untimely death, in the name of Jesus.

32. Every power, meeting to decide on untimely death for my life, scatter unto desolation, in the name of Jesus.

33. Every power, that does not want to see me around, your time is up. \Fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.

34. Thank God for answers to your prayers.

Prayer For The Impossible

Powerful Catholic Miracle Prayer For The Impossible

Powerful Catholic Miracle Prayer For The Impossible :

Leader: Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and enkindle in them the fire of
Your love. Send forth Your Spirit and our hearts will be renewed.

All: And you will renew the face of the earth.

Leader: O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, instructed the hearts of the faithful;
grant us, by the same Holy Spirit, a love and desire for what is right and just, and the constant
enjoyment of His consolation, we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Litany of Saint Rita

Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us, Christ hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.
God, the Father of heaven, have mercy on us.
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us.
Immaculate Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.
Holy Mary, Mother of Good Counsel, pray for us.
Holy Mary, Mother of pure love, pray for us.
Holy Mary, Comforter of the afflicted, pray for us.
Holy Mary, Queen of all saints, pray for us.
Holy Mary, Model of life for Saint Rita, pray for us.
St. Rita, our advocate and protectress, pray for us.
St. Rita, beloved by the Lord, pray for us.
St. Rita, given special grace from heaven, pray for us.
St. Rita, remarkable in childhood, pray for us.
St. Rita, model of obedience to God’s Will, pray for us.
St. Rita, the peacemaker, pray for us.
St. Rita, of untiring patience, pray for us.

St. Rita, model of Christian mothers, pray for us.
St. Rita, mirror for Christian spouses, pray for us.
St. Rita, heroic in sacrifice, pray for us.
St. Rita, generous in forgiving, pray for us.
St. Rita, martyr in penitence, pray for us.
St. Rita, embracing humility and poverty, pray for us.
St. Rita, exemplary as a widow, pray for us.
St. Rita, prompt to answer the divine call, pray for us.
St. Rita, patient in suffering, pray for us.
St. Rita, mirror of religious observance, pray for us.
St. Rita, mystical rose of every virtue, pray for us.
St. Rita, enamored of the Passion of Christ, pray for us.
St. Rita, pierced with a thorn, pray for us.
St. Rita, in ecstasy before the Blessed Sacrament, pray for us.
St. Rita, consumed with Divine Love, pray for us.
St. Rita, received into heaven with joy, pray for us.
St. Rita, incorrupt in your chaste body, pray for us.
St. Rita, advocate of impossible cases, pray for us.
St. Rita, persevering in prayer, pray for us.
St. Rita, help of those in need, pray for us.

Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us.

Prayer For The Impossible
Prayer For The Impossible

Leader: Lord, you have signed your servant, Rita.

All: With the marks of Your love and Passion.

Leader: Let us pray. O God, who bestowed on St. Rita such grace that she loved her enemies,
and bore in her heart and on her forehead the mark of Your love and Passion, grant us, we
beseech You, through her merits and intercession, a love for our enemies. Through our
contemplation of Your Son’s sufferings and Passion, may we merit the reward promised to
the meek and the suffering. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

Prayer of Petition

All: Glorious St. Rita, patroness of those in need, your intercession with our Lord is most powerful.
Through the favors obtained by your prayers you have been called “Advocate of hopeless and even
impossible cases.” St. Rita, humble and pure; patient and compassionate Lover of Christ Crucified!
We have confidence that everyone who has recourse to you, will find comfort and relief. Listen to
our petitions and show your power with God in our behalf. Obtain our petitions for us if they are
for the greater honor of God, and for our good. We promise, if our petitions are granted, to make
known your favor, and to glorify God for His gift.
Relying on your power with the merciful Savior, we ask of you…

(Offer your requests in silence)

By the singular merits of your childhood, obtain our request for us.
By your perfect union with the Divine Will, obtain our request for us.
By your acceptance of troubles in your married life, obtain our request for us.
By the anguish felt at the murder of your husband, obtain our request for us.
By the example of forgiveness you gave to your sons, obtain our request for us.
By your miraculous entrance into the convent, obtain our request for us.
By your daily penance and fasting, obtain our request for us.
By your courage and joy in bearing the mark of the Crucified Savior,
obtain our request for us.
By the Divine Love which consumed your life, obtain our request for us.
By your devotion in receiving the Blessed Sacrament, obtain our request for us.
By the happiness you felt in leaving this life for union with Christ, obtain our
request for us.
By the example you have given to people of every state of life, obtain our request
for us.

Leader: Pray for us, St. Rita,

All: That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.

Leader: Let us pray.

All: Heavenly Father! In Your infinite love and mercy you heed the prayer of Your beloved servant,
Rita. You graciously grant favors through her intercession, which are considered impossible to
human skill and effort. Relying on her compassionate love, we ask You to assist us in our trials and
difficulties. Let unbelievers know that you are the helper of the humble, the defender of the weak,
and the strength of those who trust in You. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen


O blessed Saint, to whom God grants
Power to open His dear Heart,
From it to pour full streams of grace,
Open to us His Heart!

Pray, St. Rita! Pray for us today!
Pray now and always for us who love you!
Pray in our sorrows! Pray in our need!
With you, St. Rita, we, your friends do plead!
That God may bless our homes and school,
And from us turn away all harm;
That He may hear us for your sake,
Dear St. Rita, we pray! (Refrain)
St. Rita of Cascia, Pray for Us!

Short Daily Catholic Prayers

Short Daily Catholic Prayers (Updated 2021)

Short Daily Catholic Prayers (Updated 2021) :

Dear Lord,

I don’t know who or what will cross my path today. But I do
know that you are my Rock and my Fortress. You are my
Shield and my Strong Tower. Help me to anchor myself to
you today. Teach me how to stand strong in you and choose
only your way today. Help me walk by your truth and not my
feelings. Help me to embrace anything that comes my way
as an opportunity to see you at work and as an opportunity
to point others to you. Thank you that you love me and
nothing can ever take that away from me! Even if I fail today
and fall short, you whisper your unconditional love deep into
my soul and remind me that your mercies are new every
morning. That truly amazes me, Lord. Thank you for meeting
with me today. Would you wake me again tomorrow with
the same sweet whisper of your love? I can’t wait to meet
with you again.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

Short Daily Catholic Prayers
Short Daily Catholic Prayers
Catholic Prayer For Family Protection

Short Powerful Catholic Prayer For Family Protection

Short Powerful Catholic Prayer For Family Protection :


May you be blessed by the Lord, who made heaven and earth. – Psalm 115:15
The word “blessing” comes from the Latin word benedicere, which means “to say good things. In
prayer, to bless is to dedicate someone or something to God, or to make something holy in God’s
name. To receive or bestow and blessing is an act of tenderness.

Catholic Prayer For Family Protection
Catholic Prayer For Family Protection

Blessing a child: A simple way to bless a child is by tracing a cross on the forehead or simply
placing your hand on the child’s head. Use a simple prayer like “May God bless and protect you”
then pause for a brief moment of silence.

Blessings for the home: While blessings of spiritual articles and blessings offered on behalf of the
faith community are reserved for priests and bishops, it is appropriate for all of us to ask God’s
blessing up the ordinary parts or our lives.


In the midst of a family conflict, it’s often hard to come together and listen to one another. This prayer
for forgiveness might start the process of seeking reconciliation, or encourage individuals to read the
prayer in solitude.








Catholic Prayer For The Right Partner In Life

Catholic Prayer For The Right Partner In Life

Catholic Prayer For The Right Partner In Life :

For our own marriage

Thank you God for our marriage. Help us
to know and love one another more each
day, just as you know and love us both.
Thank you for all the deep joy we have
shared, in both ordinary and
extraordinary times. Thank you for those moments when we
have been especially close to you in our love.
Help us to be kind, thoughtful and attentive to one another even
when we are tired, upset or self absorbed. Strengthen in us a
spirit of hospitality, that we may offer welcome and
encouragement to others in the way of love. When we face
adversity help us to remain at peace, growing in awareness of
your presence with us still. We ask this in Jesus name. Amen.

Catholic Prayer For The Right Partner In Life
Catholic Prayer For The Right Partner In Life

Prayer for planning a wedding:

We pray, Lord Jesus, for all
those planning to marry and
for those helping them with
practical details and with
marriage preparation.
May their joys and hopes be
realised. Be with them as
they plan and give them
patience and understanding
when things are difficult. In
their growing love for each
other, may they come to
know you as the source of all
love. Amen

Thanksgiving for marriage.

Almighty God, our heavenly Father, we lift up our hearts to you
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Through him you have made a
covenant of grace with your people by the outpouring of your Holy
Spirit. We praise you for the gift of marriage in which the love of
husband and wife is brought together and reflects your plan of love
for the world.

We remember today all those who have been married in this Parish,
especially ……………….. ; for leading them to each other in
friendship and love, commitment and trust.

As you pour out your love, may they grow together in your sight,
and each be to the other a companion in joy, a comfort in sorrow
and a strength in need. May their lives be a witness to your saving
love in this troubled world.

As the presence of your Son blessed the earthly home at
Nazareth and lived as part of a human family, Bless our homes,
bind us as a family, unite us in our Lord , renew us by your Holy
Spirit, remind us of your promise and living word, and be among us
in our home and throughout all our activities.

And bring us all at the last to that great marriage banquet of your
Son in our home in heaven, where, with all your saints and angels,
in the glory of your presence, we will for ever praise you; through
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For those without a marriage partner.

Lord Jesus, we ask your blessing
upon those whose longing for
marriage is unfulfilled. Grant
them your peace and channel
their gift of love into enriching
their lives and the lives of those
around them. We pray for those
who have lost their partner.
Comfort them and uphold them in
their loneliness. Be close to
those who have recently been
bereaved. Help them through
each day until the pain
diminishes and the sun shines
once more.

Catholic Prayers For Financial Help

Short Catholic Prayers For Financial Help

Short Catholic Prayers For Financial Help :


Catholic Prayers For Financial Help
Catholic Prayers For Financial Help

Study the under listed scriptures to develop faith to pray the following prayers with the
understanding that God has planned for your business prosperity.

Deuteronomy 28:1-14, 8:18; Proverbs 10:4, 22:29, 24:27, 27:23-27; Joshua 1:8; Ecclesiastes

Also don’t forget that there are responsibilities attached to your prosperity. As you study, try to
identify those responsibilities and fulfill them and by doing so you will be connected to God’s
covenant of uninterrupted blessings.

1. Oh Lord, baptize me with the generous spirit of a cheerful giver who gives out of love and not
out of compulsion.

2. The Lord will make me a pillar of support for the expansion of God’s Kingdom in Jesus name.

3. All my past generosity will be remembered by God. Every impossible situation in my life will
be turned around by God on the account of my past generosity in Jesus name.

4. I believe in miracles, I serve a God of miracles therefore; every chapter closed by men against
me will be re-opened by God in my favour in Jesus name.

5. Just as the famine in the days of Joseph elevated him, help me Lord to see the opportunity that
the current global financial crises is creating for my prosperity in Jesus name

6. Oh Lord endow me with the required mental skill to interpret every opportunity that comes my
way correctly and take maximum advantage of them in Jesus name.

7. I receive Grace to enjoy riches that will endure throughout my life time in Jesus name.

8. I receive total liberty from the embarrassing yoke of debt in Jesus name.

9. I receive total deliverance from the embarrassing stigma of knocking on doors and repeated
phone calls begging for financial assistance in Jesus name.

10. I will enjoy the surplus of heaven to achieve my purpose and have leftovers in Jesus name.

11. Murmuring will not take the place of money in my life and money will not mess me up; all
my bills will be supernaturally settled in Jesus name.

12. I refuse to be a burden on my neighbours, families and friends. I am a lender and not a
borrower in Jesus name.

13. Whenever the needy need my help my purse will not be empty. I will be readily available to
meet their needs in Jesus name.

14. Oh Lord, deliver me (my husband, my children etc) from the slavery of evil appetite/habit
that are killing my health and destiny in Jesus name.

15. The Lord will satisfy my mouth with good things. I shall have appetite and money to eat
choice foods and accomplish great things in Jesus name.

16. I receive total deliverance from the curse of poverty and affliction that has ever plaqued my
family line. I will live to transfer prosperity to my posterity in Jesus name.

17. I shall not only be great in wealth but also have a great name in Jesus name.

18. Let your Spirit empower me oh Lord, to attain, sustain and enjoy success in Jesus name.

19. My joy shall multiply at the end of this month… I shall therefore count blessings and not
sorrows in
Jesus name.

20. Oh Lord deliver me from profitless labour and confused activities in Jesus name.

21. I shall not waste my seed. I will be divinely guided to plant my seed on fertile soil in Jesus

22. Oh Lord, let the resources required to fulfill my dream in the custody of my enemies relocate
into the custody of my friends and helpers in Jesus name.

23. Oh Lord, let money forever remain my loyal messenger in Jesus name.

24. Both the help from above and abroad will combine and compete to settle my bills and fulfill
my dreams this year in Jesus name.

25. From now on all my investments and labour since the beginning of my career and ministry
will begin to yield their full profit in Jesus name.

26. In every tight situation, let my tithe provoke heavenly solution in Jesus name.

27. This week my past generosity will spring forth a pleasant surprise in Jesus name.

28. Throughout this year, none of my resources shall be wasted on medical bills or any form of
profitless venture in Jesus name.

29. Satan will not receive the backing of heaven to wipe out my financial resources with evil
erosion in Jesus name.

30. Whosoever looks up to me for help this year will not be disappointed. I shall have enough to
satisfy my needs and plenty to give to others in need in Jesus name.

31. I receive deliverance from the bondage of doubt and fear that past failures and misfortune has
introduced into my life in Jesus name.

32. I receive the required courage to step into the greatness God has ordained for me in Jesus

33. I submit to the leadership of God’s Spirit and I receive the backing of heaven to breakthrough
and succeed in all my undertakings in Jesus name.

34. I receive the favourable countenance of God, therefore Heaven will agree with all my steps
of faith and God’s will shall prosper in my hands.

35. I refuse to submit my courage to frustration. God will send me encouragement today; I will
be energized to continue the race in Jesus name.

36. The sun is rising today announcing my season of success and fulfilling my purpose in Jesus

37. Those that believe in me and have invested in my dream, encouraging and supporting me will
not be disappointed in Jesus name.

38. The Lord will allow something better to come out of every bad situation that baffles me in
Jesus name.

39. Let the prophetic power that operated in the valley of dry bones re-unite me with my lost
(glory, helper, husband, wife, children, joy etc) in Jesus name.

40. Every carnal attitude of disobedience and demonic spirits that are promoting barrenness in
my life are terminated today in Jesus name.

41. Those doubting my ability to succeed will soon become my subjects in Jesus name.

42. Those that refuse to lend unto me during my moment of struggling will soon begin to lean on
me in Jesus name.

43. Those laughing at me today will soon laugh with me and regret their folly of looking down
on me in Jesus name.

44. Those who gather to frustrate my vision will beg to be part of my celebration in Jesus name.

45. Every opposition I encounter today will soon form a chapter of my success story in Jesus

46. The Lord will release a measure of prosperity into my life that will swallow all my history of
poverty in Jesus name.

47. The Lord will give me a new name and a new identity that will bury all the ugly stories
associated with my background in Jesus name.

48. My new life in Christ has clothed me with a garment of righteousness; my past sinful life will
no longer hurt or haunt me in Jesus name.

49. A similar grace that made Jabez more honorable than his brethren will distinguish me among
my equals in Jesus name.

50. Today marks the beginning of my bouncing back. My spiritual life shall be restored and my
lost glory shall be fully recovered.

51. I declare every department of my life under the control of Satan disconnected in Jesus name.

52. All the sinful habits that enslave me to Satan will henceforth irritate me in Jesus name.

53. In all the areas where men have failed me, let your mercy prevail for me in Jesus name.

54. In all the areas where money may disgrace me, let your mercy raised men of influence in my
favour in Jesus name.

55. This week I will encounter God’s mercy that will end all problems of money associated with
my family in Jesus name.

56. Inadequate supply will not compel me to abandon God. Excess supply will not deceive me to
disconnect from God in Jesus name.

57. I receive Christ Spirit of endurance to endure the season of adversity and wait for the era of
prosperity in Jesus name.

58. The present adversity will not last forever; my business will not sink with the ongoing
economic meltdown. The Spirit of God will usher in a new era of prosperity in Jesus name.

59. God’s covenant of exception as it was in the land of Goshen will work in my favor against
the ongoing economic recession in Jesus name.

60. Whatever positive purpose, I pursue, I will possess because the Spirit of God will instruct my
steps in the right direction in Jesus name.

61. I rebuke the spirit of bareness from my business; my business will be fruitful and profitable
in Jesus name.

62. The Holy Spirit will be the invincible Chief Executive Officer of my business in Jesus name.

63. I will not suffer scarcity of idea nor adequate capital to take my business to the next level in
Jesus name.

64. The Spirit of God will expose and expel every Achan (traitor) among my employees that has
the tendency of ruining my business in Jesus name.

65. The Spirit of God will deliver me from making recruitment error that is capable of crippling
my business in Jesus name.

66. The Spirit of excellence, commitment, loyalty and uprightness will compel all my employees
to work for the progress of my company in Jesus name.

67. Evil intentions and machination of my competitors will fail in Jesus name.

68. Every weapon sponsored through family relations or friends to wreck my business will not
succeed in Jesus name.

69. I pronounce unstoppable prosperity over every project of my company in Jesus name.

70. Because this business is founded in partnership with God, it will take root downward,
develop into branches and bear fruits upward in Jesus name.

71. I command a miraculous and total recovery of all debts owned by my company in Jesus

72. All my long-forgotten proposal will begin to receive the attention of the right and relevant
authority in Jesus name.

73. The favour of God will envelope my company, office and shop in Jesus name.

74. Both my company identity and complimentary card will carry God’s presence and attract
favour of my prospective customers, clients and contracts in Jesus name.

75. I repeal every Local and International legislation that is not in favour of the prosperity of my
business in Jesus name.

76. My business premises will not receive demonic visitation of armed robbers and dupes; law
enforcement agents sponsored against me will not succeed at implicating me in Jesus name.

77. Partnership that will ruin my business will not receive my endorsement in Jesus name.

78. Agent of darkness on evil assignment against my business will receive God’s judgment of
blindness in Jesus name.

79. The economic policy of this nation will begin to favour the prosperity of my business in
Jesus name.

80. The vision of the Government in power will not antagonize my business prosperity in Jesus

81. Anoint me Lord to breakthrough without bribery in Jesus name.

82. Holy Ghost fire will consume all satanic rope and chains that is around my wrongly seized
goods; heaven will secure their release this week in Jesus name.

83. I untie all my customers and clients that have been tied around the aprons of my competitors
with demonic spell in Jesus name.

84. Every goods that have overstayed in this shop and are at the risk of expiration will bring in
money and relocate to its end users (consumer) in Jesus name.

85. This month I will sign a contract whose profit will pay all my debts and leave me with
surplus that will make me to have nothing to do with debt again in Jesus name.

86. This month, my business premises will relocate from a rented apartment to our own property
in Jesus name.

87. Henceforth, I will not borrow to pay my staff again in Jesus name.

88. My business will be sufficient to pay my bills, pay my staff and surplus enough to contribute
to community development in Jesus name.

89. I receive help from above to resurrect my collapse business and expand and diversify my
flourishing ones in Jesus name.

90. I will not lack creative ideas to satisfy my customers / clients in Jesus name.

91. All the customers that I have pursued in the past without success will begin to beg to do
business with me in Jesus name.

92. The current economic meltdown will not fold up my business in Jesus name.

93. The winnowing power of God’s Spirit will blow away the spirit of waste and agents of waste
from my business in Jesus name.

94. God’s wind of wonder will deposit wealth into my business in Jesus name.

95. The Spirit of God will guide my business decision; my capital shall not be tied down on
unprofitable goods in Jesus name.

96. Products that have lost market value, and customers taste and appetite will not be grounded
in my shop in Jesus name.

97. The Spirit of God will resist me from being teleguided or manipulated by fraudsters (419) to
sign away all that I have laboured for in Jesus name.

98. I shall not be manipulated by greed and covetousness to disobey heavenly warning through
dream and prophecy in Jesus name.

99. None of my business trips will record armed robbery attack or accident in Jesus name.

100. The supreme council of heaven will repeal, reverse, and amend every decree, policy,
legislation that is contrary to all my noble business vision in Jesus name.

Catholic Prayer For Casting Out Spirits

Short Powerful Catholic Prayer For Casting Out Spirits

Short Powerful Catholic Prayer For Casting Out Spirits :

Petition #9:
A Prayer for Physical Healing and Deliverance

Scripture Reading:
Psalm 111, James 5:13-16

Reflections of the Heart:

Divine healing is as real today as it was in the book of Acts. Jesus is the same today, yesterday, and forever!
In Mark 16:17-18, Jesus said, “These signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my
name, and they will speak new languages. They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink
anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick and heal them.” Let
us do what Jesus did!

Catholic Prayer For Casting Out Spirits
Catholic Prayer For Casting Out Spirits

Scriptural Prayer:

Glorious Father, we thank You for salvation, the greatest miracle of all. Thank You for Your eternal love and
unmerited grace. Thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, to break the power of the devil and to bring us hope,
health, and healing. We give thanks because You are near. People everywhere will tell of Your wonderful
deeds. Lord, You are good and Your unfailing love endures forever. You are great and You perform wonderful
deeds. You alone are God. How great are Your signs and how powerful are Your wonders. Lord, You are high
above all the nations. Your glory is higher than the heavens. Who can be compared with You, our God, who is
enthroned on high.

Awesome Father, You brought Israel out of Egypt with signs and wonders, with a strong hand and powerful arm.
Jesus Christ, Your Son, turned water into wine, cleansed lepers, healed the sick, raised the dead, and fed five
thousand people with two fish and five loaves of bread. Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His
disciples so that we would believe that He is the Christ, the Son of God, and have life in His Name. We believe
Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever. Therefore; Father, we expect You to display Your glory
in the lives of those people who are in need of healing and deliverance. With You, nothing is impossible. We
expect diseases to be dissolved, broken relationships to be mended, and those who are held captive in their
minds and souls to be set free. As we pray for those in need of healing, we confess that Your healing power will
operate through us. In Jesus’ Name, we declare healing for (list the names of people you know who need a
physical healing; encourage them to pray scriptures of healing located at
Righteous Father, please help us to be bolder about praying for healing. Help those in need of healing to trust
in You with all of their heart and not depend on their own understanding. Holy Spirit, please open the eyes of
their understanding so that they will understand the confident hope given to those Christ has called. Remind
people to look to You for help, strength, and power. Father, cause Your healing power to be experienced
throughout our church and community.

Merciful Father, forgive those people who have doubted Your Word and Your works. Forgive them for acting
godly, but denying Your power to perform healings, signs and wonders in their lives and in the lives of others.
Lord, please forgive them and restore to them the joy of Your salvation. Lord, forgive me for (list any sins that
you have committed.) Holy Spirit, remind those people who are in need of physical healing and deliverance to
forgive others and please help them to forgive. As for me, Holy Spirit, bring to my remembrance those I need to
forgive. (Take a moment and ask the Holy Spirit to show you names or faces of people that you may need
to forgive. As He shows you, say aloud, “I forgive name of person(s).” Now, trust the Lord to heal any
wounds in your soul caused by unforgiveness.)

Marvelous Father, help us all to not yield to temptation; but deliver us from the evil one.

Royal Lord, You are the Almighty! Only You can open the eyes of the blind and unplug the ears of the deaf.
You cause the lame to leap like deer and those who cannot speak to sing for joy. You cause springs to gush
forth in the wilderness and streams to water the wasteland. You cause the parched ground to become a pool
and springs of water to satisfy the thirsty land. Great and awesome is Your Name. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture References for the Written Text: Psalm 75:1, Psalm 136:1, Psalm 86:10, Daniel 4:3a, Psalm 113:4-
5, Psalm 136:11-12, John 2:1-9, Luke 7:22, Matthew 14:14-21, John 20:30-31, Hebrews 13:8, Luke 1:37,
Proverbs 3:5, Ephesians 1:18, II Timothy 3:5, Matthew 6:13, Isaiah 35:5-7
Today, I will trust God to:

Catholic Prayer For Exam Success

Powerful Catholic Prayer For Exam Success

Powerful Catholic Prayer For Exam Success :

Prayer for those preparing for exams

Dear Lord, as I take this exam, I thank you that my value is not based on my performance, but on your great love for me.
Come into my heart so that we can walk through this time together.
Help me, not only with this test, but the many tests of life that are sure to come my way.
As I take this exam, bring back to my mind everything I studied and be gracious with what I have overlooked.
Help me to remain focused and calm, confident in the facts and in my ability, and firm in the knowledge that no matter what happens today, you are there with me. Amen.

Catholic Prayer For Exam Success
Catholic Prayer For Exam Success

Prayer before Exams

Loving God, be with me now as I prepare for my exams. Thank you for the many talents & gifts you have
given me and for the opportunity of education.
Calm my nerves & anxiety, help me to remember all that I have studied, to express it clearly and to answer the questions to the very best that I can.
Holy Spirit, sit with me in my exam – and always.

A Students Prayer

Father, please clear my mind and
give me the understanding and knowledge
that comes only from you.
Bless me as I take this exam and
bring the information that I’ve studied
to mind when it is needed in this exam.
Grant me favour as I begin this test.
I ask this in Jesus name.

A Prayer at Exam Time

Lord, as I face into examination time, I turn once more to you,
asking for your blessing and assistance.
I ask you to give me peace of mind with a strong sense of work at this time.
May I give myself space and time to revise and prepare to sit my examinations.
Help me to keep focused on this task and not get too distracted by other aspects of my life.
Keep me from getting into a panic and help me to do justice to all my work and preparations.
On the days of my examinations, keep me calm, help me to think clearly and
understand what I’m being asked, and so to recall the study and work that I have put in this past year.
Above all, Lord, I ask that you will allow my efforts to bring about the life you have planned for me.
May I be open to your vision of what you wish for me and may I accomplish this now and in my future life. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit for those doing exams

Spirit of God, in a special way, be with all who are doing exams; Spirit of Wisdom, enlighten students to choose the correct questions; Focus their minds so that they will be able to answer each question clearly & concisely;
Spirit of God, grant them peace of mind & calmness of soul; Holy Spirit of Peace & Wisdom, come help us during exams & always.
Father, be with me as I take this exam.
Keep my mind alert & my memory sharp.
Calm my nerves & help me to concentrate.
I know that you walk with me, guiding my path & inspiring my heart.
I pray that I would feel you with me & that your friendship would soften the pressure I feel.
I thank you for your peace & love in my life.

An Exam Prayer

Lord, I know you are with me and love me. Give me peace of mind as I prepare for this time of study.
Help me to focus on my books and notes. Keep me from all distractions so that I will make the best use of this time
that is available to me.
Give me insight that I might understand what I am studying and help me to remember it when the time comes.
Above all, I thank you for the ability to be able to study and for the many gifts and talents you have given me.
Help me always to use them in such a way that they honour you and do justice to myself.

Prayer to Saint Joseph of Cupertino for help in exams

O Great Saint Joseph of Cupertino, who, by your prayers, obtained from God that you should be asked at the examination the only proposition you knew.
Obtain for me that I may succeed like you in the examination for which I am preparing.
I promise in return to make you known & cause you to be invoked. Amen.

Prayer for Examination Time

God of Wisdom:
Guide me as I choose questions and in the way I answer them.
God of Peace:
Keep me calm so that I will do the best that I can.
God of Understanding:
Help me put all of this into perspective.
I ask these prayers
in the name of Jesus,
friend of students,

A Prayer for Students taking Exams

God love them and sustain them; Renew and support them with your strength;
Pour out your spirit of wisdom on them; Help them to remain calm and to attend carefully to the questions asked; Help them to think clearly, to remember accurately and to express themselves well.
May they reflect the best of the work they have done and the best of the teaching they have received.
May your love be upon them O Lord as they place all their trust in you.
May the power of your love enable them to accomplish what is right and good.

Powerful Prayer Catholic

Check This Most Powerful Prayer Catholic (Say Daily)

Check This Most Powerful Prayer Catholic (Say Daily) :

Sign of the Cross

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Powerful Prayer Catholic
Powerful Prayer Catholic

The Apostles’ Creed

I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy
Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and
was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven,
and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness
of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

Our Father

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on
earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we
forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Hail Mary

Hail Mary, full of grace! The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is
the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour
of our death. Amen.


Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now
and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

An Act of Faith

O my God, I firmly believe that You are one God in three divine persons, Father, Son and Holy
Spirit. I believe that Your divine Son became man and died for our sins, and that he will come to
judge the living and the dead. I believe these and all the truths which the holy Catholic Church
teaches because You have revealed them, who can neither deceive nor be deceived. Amen.

An Act of Hope

O my God, trusting in Your promises and because You are faithful, powerful and merciful, I
hope, through the merits of Jesus Christ, for the pardon of my sins, final perseverance and the
blessed glory of heaven.

An Act of Love

O my God, because You are infinite goodness and worthy of infinite love, I love You with my
whole heart above all things, and for love of You I love my neighbor as myself. I forgive all who
have offended me and ask pardon of all whom I have offended.

An Act of Contrition

O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee and I detest all my sins, because I dread
the loss of heaven and the pains of hell; but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who
are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess
my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen.

Morning Offering

O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer You my prayers, works, joys and
sufferings of this day in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world. I offer
them for all the intentions of the Sacred Heart: the salvation of souls, reparation for sin, the
reunion of all Christians, and the intentions of our Holy Father, the Pope. Amen.

Prayer in the Morning

Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel;
He has come to His people and set them free.
He has raised up for us a mighty savior,
born of the house of His servant David.

Through His holy prophets he promised of old
that he would save us from our enemies,
from the hands of all who hate us.

He promised to show mercy to our fathers
and to remember His holy covenant.

This was the oath he swore to our father Abraham:
to set us free from the hands of our enemies,
free to worship him without fear,
holy and righteous in His sight all the days of our life.

You, my child, shall be called the prophet of the Most High;
for You will go before the Lord to prepare His way,
to give His people knowledge of salvation
by the forgiveness of their sins.

In the tender compassion of our God
the dawn from on high shall break upon us,
to shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death,
and to guide our feet into the way of peace. (Luke 1:68-79)

Prayer in the Evening

My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,
my spirit rejoices in God my Savior;
for he has looked with favor on His lowly servant.

From this day all generations will call me blessed:
the Almighty has done great things for me,
and holy is His Name.

He has mercy on those who fear Him
in every generation.

He has shown the strength of His arm,
he has scattered the proud in their conceit.

He has cast down the mighty from their thrones,
and has lifted up the lowly.

He has filled the hungry with good things,
and the rich he has sent away empty.

He has come to the help of His servant Israel
for He has remembered His promise of mercy,
the promise He made to our fathers,
to Abraham and His children for ever. (Luke 1:46-55)

O eternal God and Ruler of all creation, You have allowed me to reach this hour. Forgive the sins
I have committed this day by word, deed or thought. Purify me, O Lord, from every spiritual and
physical stain. Grant that I may rise from this sleep to glorify You by my deeds throughout my
entire lifetime, and that I be victorious over every spiritual and physical enemy. Deliver me, O
Lord, from all vain thoughts and from evil desires, for yours is the kingdom, and the power, and
the glory, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever. Amen.

Prayer at Night

O my God, I thank You for having preserved me today and for having given me so many
blessings and graces. I renew my dedication to You and ask Your pardon for all my sins.
(review the day quietly then pray The Canticle of Simeon which follows)

Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake;
watch over us as we sleep,
that awake we may keep watch with Christ,
and asleep, rest in His peace (alleluia).

Lord, now let Your servant go in peace;
according to Your word:
for my eyes have seen Your salvation
which You have prepared in the presence of all
peoples: a light for revelation to the Gentiles
and for glory to Your people Israel. (Luke 2:29–32)

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now
and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake;
watch over us as we sleep,
that awake we may keep watch with Christ,
and asleep, rest in His peace (alleluia).

The Divine Praises

Blessed be God.
Blessed be His holy name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man.
Blessed be the name of Jesus.
Blessed be His most Sacred Heart.
Blessed be His most precious Blood.
Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.
Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy.
Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception.
Blessed be her glorious Assumption.
Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother.
Blessed be Saint Joseph, her most chaste spouse.
Blessed be God in His angels and in His Saints.

Grace Before Meals

Bless us, O Lord, and these Thy gifts which we are about to receive from Thy bounty. Through
Christ our Lord. Amen.

Thanksgiving After Meals

We give Thee thanks, almighty God, for all Thy gifts, who lives and reigns forever and ever.

May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Catholic Prayers Against Suicidal Thoughts

Short Catholic Prayers Against Suicidal Thoughts

Short Catholic Prayers Against Suicidal Thoughts :

From whose love nothing can separate us, we pray this day for all persons dealing with
mental illness and those who love and care for them.

Especially this day, we pray for all whose lives have been touched by suicide,
for those who have died by suicide and those who have attempted it.

We pray for those who, because of mental health challenges such as depression, PTSD, or
bipolar disorder, live with thoughts of suicide.

We pray for those who live in despair and without hope because of poverty
or discrimination.

We pray for families and friends, colleagues and co-workers, who have been touched by the
suicide of a loved one,
We pray for counselors and therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists,
for pastors, rabbis, priests, and imams.
and for all who seek to help.
And we pray, too, that you might give us the courage and wisdom to be there for others
in distress,
to offer your love and our care,
to help break the silence and change the conversation about suicide,
to be your listening ear, your hands, and your heart for others.

Catholic Prayers Against Suicidal Thoughts
Catholic Prayers Against Suicidal Thoughts

Powerful Catholic Prayers Against Suicidal Thoughts :

Dear Gracious and Merciful God,

We come to you to give thanks for this day, which provides us with another opportunity to
bask in the glow of your love. We thank you because you are so gracious and kind; we thank
you for your abundant love, your loving kindness.

God, we ask right now that you heal the hearts of those who are emotionally wounded,
that you allow those who feel alone and abandoned to feel your Spirit. For those of us who
feel so lost and forlorn that we can no longer sense your presence, we ask that you send
someone to be your eyes, your ears, your arms and your heart so that they can experience
your love in the physical realm right now.

When we are at the point where our faith tank feels like it’s on “E”, send someone who is
willing to loan us a little faith until we can experience your love for ourselves again. We
ask that you send us an angel, be it in the form of a friend, a counselor or a pill so that our
spirits can be lifted once again.

We ask that you help all of us have compassion and love for those of us suffering through
the throes of depression, anxiety and other emotions that sometimes try to snuff out
our spirit.

Help us to be ever mindful that we are more than conquerors in the God who loves us, that
weeping may endure for the night but joy really does come in the morning, and that nothing
can separate us from your love. Hear our cries, hear our petitions, hear our prayers today.
We offer up this prayer in the name of the One who promises to love us with an everlasting
love, Amen.