
Catholic Prayer For Wisdom And Discernment

Powerful Catholic Prayer For Wisdom And Discernment

Powerful Catholic Prayer For Wisdom And Discernment :


Scriptures: Job 35: 9- 12. Job 36: 15 -17


I thank you Father for total victory and deliverance from this situation (insert what situation you are
praying about)
I ask that you open my ears to hear your specific instructions that I may walk in your wisdom.
I ask for this grace to be released that by these instructions that which the enemy meant for evil to trap
and confine me will bring about great expansion and my table be full of fatness.
I ask for the corrections and grace to make all the adjustments that the fullness of your glory be
revealed through me in this in Jesus name.

Catholic Prayer For Wisdom And Discernment
Catholic Prayer For Wisdom And Discernment

Confession After Prayer:

Father I thank thee for an impartation of your wisdom for total victory. I declare to you satan and all the
forces of darkness overcome in this time of prayer, I bring you under divine judgment and I bind you. I
declare you inoperative in my life and command my ministering spirits, angels to go forth and minister
accordingly unto me in this situation bringing information and understanding in Jesus name.
I declare as princes of this world crucified Jesus ignorant of this wisdom which led to his resurrection
from the dead where death can no longer dominate him, I declare by the measure of wisdom received
in answer to this prayer this situation ( name it ) and every other challenge I face even though the
enemy meant it for evil has turned around for my good bringing me into a place today where such a
situation has no access to my life anymore in Jesus name
Father I thank you for complete victory over this situation

Scriptures: Prov 14:1; Prob 24:3


We thank You Father that you have heard and answered our personal supplications and we praise you
for this.
We ask for the wisdom of a builder that grace may be released into our hearts causing us through your
wisdom to build up (each person should insert what you are building, home, business, career) that we
may build without endless sweat and turmoil but accurately and swiftly in Jesus name.

Confession After Prayer:

Father I thank thee for an impartation of your wisdom for total victory. I declare to you satan and all the
forces of darkness overcome in this time of prayer, I bring you under divine judgment and I bind you. I
declare you inoperative in my life and command my ministering spirits, angels to go forth and minister
accordingly unto me in this situation bringing information and understanding in Jesus name.
Father I thank you for your wisdom to build my (insert what you are building)
I declare into my life the wisdom of the builder. God is the one who is at work in me both for me to will
and to build (insert what). I have therefore built by his grace effortlessly. God has sent helpers my way
who have assisted me with information and resources to do this work. My hands have been
strengthened by the favour I have received from those in authority who have lent me their support and
goodwill in Jesus name.


This is the wisdom to restore anything damaged or faulty to a good condition
Scriptures: Judges 21:23, Isaiah 61:4


Father I thank you for your answer to my prayers, I come to ask you for the wisdom you give to repair
damaged things that I may access the thoughts of your mind to set into motion the restoration of (insert
the area in your life or situation you need this wisdom)

Confession After Prayer:

Father I thank thee for an impartation of your wisdom for total repair of every broken place and the
restoration of the years.
I declare to you Satan and all the forces of darkness overcome in this time of prayer, I bring you under
divine judgment and I bind you. I declare you inoperative in my life and command my ministering spirits,
angels to go forth and minister accordingly unto me in this situation bringing information and
understanding in Jesus name.

Father I thank you for complete victory over this situation.
I declare that by the measure of wisdom of the repairer I have now received in this time of prayer
through my hands, God has skillfully healed every damage in my ( insert specific area ) and by this
wisdom every other broken place is restored and I also teach others how to repair broken altars, broken
homes, failing businesses, abandoned projects, and any form of damage done to their careers or in their
families. I receive grace this moment that everything I lay my hands on is restored and healed in Jesus


Wisdom for good management of resources in one’s hand. By this wisdom you enter into the place of
rulership and continuous supply and multiplication of resources. No wastage, no leakage.

Scriptures: Matt 24:45, Luke 16:1, 16


I ask that you grant me the wisdom of the steward for the right usage of what you have placed in my
hands today which is more than enough. I thank for where I am and what I have and I ask for this
wisdom to invest it wisely that it may multiply in my hands by your grace.

Confession After Prayer:

Father I thank you for an importation of your wisdom for stewardship that as Jesus was endured with
knowledge from on high over the handling of the five loaves and two fishes which brought about a
multiplication so have, I been baptized with your wisdom.

I declare the divine order necessary and the proper arrangement required for increase and maximum
impact for the benefit of everyone around me is granted unto me this moment. My resources and my
social relevance and impact is multiplied in Jesus name.

Father I thank thee for an impartation of your wisdom for total victory. I declare to you Satan and all the
forces of darkness overcome in this time of prayer, I bring you under divine judgment and I bind you. I
declare you inoperative in my life and command my ministering spirits, angels to go forth and minister
accordingly unto me in this situation bringing information and understanding in Jesus name


Scriptures: Proverbs 11:30; James 5:20


I come to ask for the wisdom of the reaper. The harvest is indeed plenty but wise labourers are few. I
ask to be sent into the fields all white and ready to convert souls into the kingdom through your wisdom
father that I may be a skillful labourer in your kingdom.

Confession After Prayer:

Father I thank thee for an impartation of your wisdom for total victory. I declare to you Satan and all the
forces of darkness overcome in this time of prayer, I bring you under divine judgment and I bind you. I
declare you inoperative in my life and command my ministering spirits, angels to go forth and minister
accordingly unto me in this situation bringing information and understanding in Jesus name.

I declare in the name of Jesus by this impartation of the grace to win souls, God has given me a mouth
and a wisdom that my words drop as rain refreshing every weary soul I speak to.

By my actions and words, the veil the enemy has placed over the minds of people is removed and every
offended brother in Christ who through any form of injury or offence has turned out of the way of Christ
is restored through the conversations I have with them in Jesus name.


Scriptures: Prov 22:3 John 12:36


I come to ask for grace for the following
1. Rare foresight into the events that will emerge as your Spirit shows me things to come that I may be
warned ahead of time like Joseph and Noah that I may prepare adequately.
2. I ask for the grace of insight into the true nature of things equipped with the discerning of spirits,
supernatural knowledge of thoughts hidden in men’s hearts, the ability to understand this through the
countenance of their faces.
3. I ask for the discernment of situations to know what they will evolve into like Paul perceived
beforehand concerning the voyage they were to embark on.

Confession After Prayer

Father I thank thee for an impartation of your wisdom for total victory. I declare to you Satan and all the
forces of darkness overcome in this time of prayer, I bring you under divine judgment and I bind you. I
declare you inoperative in my life and command my ministering spirits, angels to go forth and minister
accordingly unto me in this situation bringing information and understanding in Jesus name.

I declare a fresh release of the Spirit of God into my life for the manifestation of the gifts of discerning of
spirits, word of wisdom and knowledge. I know things ahead of time and quietly prepare for events
before they become apparent. I walk in light and supernaturally know things ahead of time. God warns
me of the dangers ahead by the operations of his Spirit within my heart and I am never taken unaware
in Jesus name


Revelation of Redemption Truths and Efficient in the things of time

Scriptures: Eph 1:16 -18 Luke 1:17


The ability to know things that are eternal and also that God teaches you to profit on the earth. The
wisdom that knows its place in the service of God, understands the hope of God’s call upon their lives
but also prudent in temporal affairs so that they know how to increase material substance and live
profitably on the earth.

I ask that you grant unto me the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ that the eyes
of my understanding may be enlightened to know the hope of your high calling upon my life in Christ.
Teach me also the principles of profit making on the earth that you give me the power, that is, wisdom
to obtain wealth and establish your covenant upon the earth.

Confession After Prayer:

Father I thank thee for an impartation of your wisdom for total victory. I declare to you Satan and all the
forces of darkness overcome in this time of prayer, I bring you under divine judgment and I bind you. I
declare you inoperative in my life and command my ministering spirits, angels to go forth and minister
accordingly unto me in this situation bringing information and understanding in Jesus name.

I declare I now possess the wisdom that sees eternal truths clearly in the word of God, that understands
biblical prophecies and the redemptive work of Christ. I know my place in the kingdom and the hope of
his high calling upon my life.

I also possess the practical wisdom that sees what ought to be done in every situation I engage with. I
am prudent. I evaluate wisely every course of action to be taken and make right decisions.

I have the vision to know God, I am also a shrewd evaluator of any policy or situation. I possess the
practical knowledge to turn every vision into action and the sound judgement to see what course of
action best achieves my aim.


Scriptures: Psalm 103:5 Psalm 92:14 Eph 6: 2 -3


Father we ask for your wisdom concerning how to keep our bodies your temple such that we will grow
old strong and healthy and with the increase of our years so shall be our strength.
Teach us what to eat such that our youth is renewed as the eagles. Teach us how to relate with other
people in integrity and honour such that the length of our years is preserved. Show us the attitude of
the heart to cultivate that will be as medicine to our flesh.

Confession After Prayer:

Father I thank thee for an impartation of your wisdom for total victory. I declare to you Satan and all the
forces of darkness overcome in this time of prayer, I bring you under divine judgment and I bind you. I
declare you inoperative in my life and command my ministering spirits, angels to go forth and minister
accordingly unto me in this situation bringing information and understanding in Jesus name.

I declare in the name of Jesus that the Spirit of God daily makes manifest in my mortal flesh the life of
Jesus. He has satisfied my mouth with good things such that my youth is renewed as the eagles. I am
dwelling in the courts of God daily rejoicing with a merry heart full of thanks giving such that I am fat
and flourishing to my old age.